Its goal is to become the privileged place for African studies in Italy, thanks to a dynamic and aware interaction with Africa and African people.
The no profit association aims at improving and developing of relationships between economic professionals in Piedmont and Africa.
Associazione PiùconZero
Its name recalls it general goal: “doing more with less”, support exchange and barter.
Associazione RENKEN
Renken is an international cooperation no profit association born in October 2006 in Turin.
Associazione Stella Nera
The Association was established in August 2014 and its name recalls the fight for a lost African identity.
Camera di Commercio di Torino
The Chamber’s goal is promoting local economic development and supporting it with effective tools.
Centro Interculturale della Città di Torino
Born to offer at all citizens, nationals and migrants, inter cultural training opportunities, meetings and dialogues.
Circolo Studi Diplomatici
Established in 1968 by a small number of retired Ambassadors, willing to salvage their experieces and accrued skills.
No profit, secular and independent community association, established in 1961, engaged in the fight against poverty and in the promotion of human rights.
Comitato Collaborazione Medica
NGO established in 1968 by a group of Turin’s medicals, committed to free health care even for poorer people.
Dipartimento Culture, Politica, Società
Its scientific and academic project examines structures and processes of humans thinking and society building.
Only Italian review completely dedicated to Europe: every day news, analysis, commentaries on the EU, is policies and institutions.
FIERI is an independent institute, established in 2011, which chiefly studies migrations, mobility and integration.
Fondazione Torino Musei
The Foundation takes care and manages the historic and artistic heritage of the City of Turin.
Hydroaid is a no profit association established in 2001 in Turin, dedicated to professional training in the field of water resources management.
It promotes the knowledge of international problems in foreign policy, economy and security, through researches and conferences.
The Centre was born to manage drafting, publication and promotion of the “Dossier Statistico Immigrazione” and of migration reports.
IED is an international facility of excellence, which works in the field of training and research in design, fashion and visual arts.
It is a private association which acts under the scrutiny of the Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Minister.
Museo Diffuso della Resistenza di Torino
The Museum is a facility dedicated to divulgation and debate on contemporary history.
National Museum of Cinema
The Museum is one of the most important in the world, thanks to its heritage and its multiple scientific and educational activities.
Osservatorio sulle economie emergenti
No profit centre dedicated to studies and monitoring of major emerging economies and to the promotion of economic studies outcomes.
T.wai - Torino World Affair Institute
No profit institute dedicate to strong academic and policy-oriented research in global politics and security studies.