DR. MASSIMO SALVADORIProfessional aid worker with several years’ experience in the management and coordination of long-term development and humanitarian projects both in the field and from HQ. Supported by a Post-graduate Master in Management of Social Enterprises, he has worked on a vast range of issues, including donor liaison (EU, ECHO, USAid/OFDA, OCHA, UNICEF, FAO, WFP, IOM, AICS, Private Foundations, etc), project proposal writing and reporting, budget and financial management, institutional networking, partners’ coordination, private and public fundraising, in addition to relevant competences in programme management and strategy. Currently Area Manager West Africa for COOPI. |
LISA CANAL BRUNETLisa Canal Brunet (1998), is an International Sciences of development and cooperation student at the University of Turin. She has a long-standing experience in the world of volunteering. She is doing an internship at the Centre for African Studies of Turin (CSA) where she assists organization of the current event related to the project and she supports the staff and the Director of the Centre. She is engaged in topics such as international cooperation, solidarity, and development projects. |
COOPI is a NGO operating in different countries within different areas of development. One of the focuses of their intervention is related to capacity building and resilience of the communities. Their intervention is deeply related to the project of the Center for African Studies, mainly because in Lake Chad they help refugees and displaced population that live in rough conditions because of conflicts deriving from terrorism and the scarcity of resources. COOPI’s projects related to the access to water and hygiene, nutritional security and environmental issues join the interdisciplinary and multi topic approach of the Lake Chad project. AN INTERVIEW WITH COOPI: INTERVENTION AREAS AND OBJECTIVES |